Future of Urban Mobility



Google’s urban innovation sister-company Sidewalk Labs was in the process of building a smart city in Toronto. Their urban mobility team wanted to develop mobility systems that serve the needs of next-generation of cities while tailored to the local communities the urban development would serve.

  • Smart City, Transportation, Public Sector

  • Exploratory Research


Research Approach:

  • Expert Interviews

    Conducted 14 in-depth expert interviews with traffic engineers, transit directors, first responders, etc. to understand current explicit mobility pain points.

  • Shadowing

    Shadowed a parking enforcer, paramedic, police officer, taxi driver, and delivery truck driver to see latent pain points as they navigate the current city infrastructure.

  • Scenario Planning

    Facilitated a workshop with provocations around trends like“rise of shared mobility”, “high use of driverless cars” to come up with different future scenarios to plan around.

  • Competition Landscape

    Mapped startups and incumbents that are potential competitors or investment partners as the client builds some of the ideated concepts into marketable solutions.



Through the project, the client was able to:

  • Understand pain points faced by local municipalities and understand purchase motivations for upgrading their city’s current mobility systems.

  • Make safe “big bets” of urban mobility products to focus on developing that will be applicable in different future scenarios of connected cities and urban transportation.

  • Start strategic conversations with startups that can be potential investment or partnerships targets from companies profiled through the competitor landscape mapping.


Final Deliverables:

  • Containing pain points and purchase motivation for municipalities to consider upgrading their city's mobility systems.

  • Visualizing the components and capabilities needed to build these next-generation concepts.

  • Evaluating build/buy/partner decisions for these concepts and early market sizing.